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FastTrack Command line interface

Calling fasttrack-cli

The syntax to call FastTrack command line interface differs according to the platform. Replace the generic ./fasttrack-cli by the right version:
./FastTrack-cli-x86_64.AppImage [OPTION]
FastTrack-Cli.exe [OPTION]
open -w --args [OPTION]
fasttrack-cli [OPTION]

Installing fasttrack-cli

The command-line interface is available for macOS, Linux, and Windows. It can be downloaded on the release page, or on the downloads page.

The full list of parameters can be found by calling ./fasttrack-cli --help. Parameters can be declared individually by calling ./fasttrack-cli --path path/to/movie.webm --parameter1 value --parameter2 value or in batch with a parameters file ./fasttrack-cli --path path/to/movie.webm --cfg path/cfg.toml. Note that the path option need to be the first option.

Calling fasttrack-cli from a Python script

FastTrack can be called inside a Python script to automate the tracking.

import os

cmd = "./fasttrack-cli --maxArea 500 --minArea 50 --lightBack 0 --thresh 80 --reg 0 --spot 0 --nBack 50 --regBack 0 --methBack 1 --xTop 0 --yTop 0 --xBottom 0 --yBottom 0 --morph 0 --morphSize 0 --morphType 0 --normArea 0 --normPerim 0 --normDist 50 --normAngle 45 --maxDist 150 --maxTime 10 --path ZFJ_001.avi --backPath dataSet/images/Groundtruth/Tracking_Result/background.pgm "
import os

cmd = "./fasttrack-cli --path ZFJ_001.avi --cfg Tracking_Result_ZFJ_001/cfg.toml"


Usage:  [OPTION]... [FILE]...
Use FastTrack from the command line.

All arguments are mandatory except --backPath and --cfg. Loading a configuration file with --cfg overwrite any selected parameters.
--maxArea maximal area of objects
--minArea minimal area of objects

--lightBack is the background light? 0: Yes, 1: No
--thresh binary threshold, if lightBack is set to 0 (resp. 1), pixels with values less (resp. more) than thresh are considered to belong to an object
--reg registration method, 0: None, 1: Simple, 2: ECC, 3: Features

--spot part of the object that features is used for the matching, 0: head, 1: tail, 2: body
--normDist normalization distance pixels
--normAngle normalization angle degres
--normArea normalization area pixels
--normPerim normalization perimeter pixels
--maxDist maximal distance of matching in pixels, if an object travels more than this distance, it is considered as a new object
--maxTime maximal time, if an object disappears more than this time, it is considered as a new object

--nBack number of images to compute the background
--methBack method to compute the background. 0: min, 1: max, 2: average
--regBack registration method to compute the background. 0: None, 1: Simple, 2: ECC, 3: Features

--xTop roi x top corner (0:width-1)
--yTop roi y top corner (0:height-1)
--xBottom roi x top corner (0:xTop-1), set to 0 to avoid cropping
--yBottom roi y top corner (0:yTop-1), set to 0 to avoid cropping

--morph morphological operation, 0: None, 1: Erode, 2: Dilate, 3: Open, 4: Close, 5: Gradient, 6: TopHat, 7: BlackHat, 8: HitMiss
--morphSize size of the kernel used in the morphological operation, can be omited if no operation are performed
--morphType type of the kernel used in the morphological operation, can be omited if no operation are performed, 0: Rect, 1: Cross, 2: Ellipse

--path path to the movie or one image of a sequence
--backPath optional, path to a background image

--cfg optional, path to a configuration file, if path is not included in the configuration file, --path option need to be put before --cfg option